
Diy Serial Midi InterfaceDiy

My latest hardware project is a USB MIDI interface using a Teensy 2.0 and Arduino.

I want to use this with my iPad, so there are some special requirements. It has to be compatible with an iPad, and it has to be compatible with the Lemur app doing bidirectional sysex communication with an AxeFX.

The first requirement was easy to meet. The iPad will recognize a standard midi interface if it reports maxpower of 20mA or less. One line of code in the Teensy usbMIDI library needs to be changed:

Plug in your serial MIDI device, if it's not already. Select Preferences from the menu and check that the serial settings look correct (defaults are 115200bps, no flow control.) Choose your serial port from the “Serial port” box. Csi safe v14 keygen. Launch the music app that will be sending and/or receiving MIDI data. DIY USB/MIDI Host Posted by Morocco Dave on October 4, 2017 Here’s a handy little project that is really easy to build and gives great value, either in extending the life of another piece of gear or extending its versatility.

Meeting the second requirement has been more difficult. I’ve tried two ways of handling the incoming sysex messages (from an AxeFX):

  1. Pass the sysex message bytes via USB to the iPad with minimal buffering, only as required to encode the sysex data into USB messages. Lemur receives the sysex message at whatever rate the external device is sending MIDI … about 3 bytes per millisecond.
  2. Store the sysex message in a fifo buffer, and once the complete sysex message is in the buffer, send it to the iPad as quickly as possible. Lemur receives the entire message in a millisecond or two.

There is a problem with method #1. Lemur appears to chop off the tail end of a sysex message if the message takes more than a certain amount of time (one Lemur frame?) to be received.

Method #2 seems to work perfectly with Lemur, but has a limitation that the sysex message cannot be larger than free RAM in the Teensy microcontroller.

If there is interest I will post a schematic and the source code.

Currently I am using a software to convert serial data into MIDI data, but it is totally possible to make the Arduino(UNO only) to look like a HID MIDI device by installing the MIDI firmware on the Atmeg8u2 microcontroler which present on the board just after USB connector. but debugging the code in that way takes more time because after updating the firmware the Arduino UNO board dosen't shows up on Arduino IDE, so you can't make any changes to the code and then in order to re-program it you have to install the previous serial communication firmware into it. therefore this increases the testing time. so once I am quite sure about the code, that I will not be doing any more changes to it, then I will install the MIDI firmware.The following are the instructions to make your Arduino board look like a MIDI HID (or anything else too) on computer.
  1. Download the Midi Firmware from here (even download the midi example code(IT WORKS !), I used it and modified it for this project ) : http://hunt.net.nz/users/darran/weblog/52882/Arduino_UNO_MIDI_USB_version_02.html
  2. If you are using Windows then Download Flip 3.x from Atmel's website ( http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=3886 ) , Linux folks can get the DFU programmer in the software repositories or check the next step, there are instructions about how to do it on Linux.
  3. Check the 3rd and 5th reply on this thread ( http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,52447.msg374201.html#msg374201) they show the instructions about how to get your Arduino board into DFU mode (http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/DFUProgramming8U2)

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