
De nouveaux e-books viennent d'être publiés via le service 'Book Pass' de l'opérateur japonais 'au'. La campagne, intitulée 'Au 'Book Pass' Presents HELLO! PROJECT Original Photobook Produce Battle!'

Hello, this is Sicycre giving you the lowdown on the Shanghai Fan Festival that took place on August 10! We were lucky to receive updates from Project Manager A who was on site at the show to share a lot of details (and photos!) from the massive event!

consiste à proposer aux fans cinq e-books différents pour chaque groupe du Hello! Project (Morning Musume., Berryz Kôbô, °C-ute, S/Mileage et Juice=Juice), qui, en les téléchargeant, donnent un point à chaque groupe.

A la fin de la campagne - c'est à dire le 29 Mars prochain, le groupe ayant récolté le plus de points grâce aux téléchargements gagnera un horaire de diffusion dans l'émission 'All Night Nippon' sur NBS, très populaire au Japon. Malheureusement, l'application n'est pas téléchargeable à l'étranger, puisqu'elle est réservée aux personnes souscrites à l'opérateur 'au'.
Le site Natalie a d'ailleurs publié une interview des filles en rapport avec ce e-book, intitulé '°C-ute OFF'.
A propos de cette sortie, Maimi YAJIMA déclare 'Comme nous ne montrons pas souvent des images des coulisses, nous parlons beaucoup des différentes images que peut donner le groupe. Afin de montrer une image différente, nous avons décidé de montrer comment les ℃-ute passaient leur temps à l'hôtel, avant et après être montées sur scènes, comment nous nous détendons. Même si nous ne sommes pas démaquillées, il y a des photos où nous nous lavons le visage.'

Hello and Shalom, Dear Worshiper! We would like to introduce the new 'Shalom In Yeshua' dance series.

The word 'Shalom' is a greeting of completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony which brings balance to agitation and discord in our life. This series is being produced in a somewhat different fashion than the others. We are being led to include a written meditation for each of the dances so worshipers may engage all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Sound radix radical bundle 3.

#188 - Hello! Project Sports Festival. #344 - Hello! Bowling Battle. Has reviews and English subtitles for Hello! Morning episodes Hello! Project Chat.

In addition, even if a dance is intermediate or advance level, there will always be a beginning level dance for each of the songs. This is so everyone who will may enter into the dance with focus while worshiping Yeshua. This also gives the leader additional tools to help dancers.

Our hope is for you to partner with us in this effort and walk with us on this wonderful path Yeshua has started. Autocad 2008 Serial Number And Activation Code. Your support is imperative for its success, and we pray that you would identify with us by taking part in the vision of this ministry. You can do this with your support prayerfully and financially, and you can also become a Producer or an Executive Producer. For your help we are offering the DVD series along with special recognition. You can now *pre~order 'Shalom In Yeshua' #1&2 at a special 20% rate for the first one-hundred who respond and help in its production. Please take a look at the incentives we have listed below.

Thank you very much for your consideration to help make this dance series a communal worship expression and blessing within the Body Of Messiah! Many Blessings and Much Love to You, Ralph and Mindy Seta, Messianic Dance Camps International, 702-565-6140 ~ You Can Also Call to Contribute. Keil C51 9 51 Keygen Generator here.

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