
Per Abilitarti al materiale online di Streaming/Download, clicca sull'immagine degli Imperatori qui sotto! Download/Streaming One Piece Film circa 5 ore fa.

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English subtitles

← Benvenuti Al Sud 2010 Film Completo

  • 328 Lines

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Showing Revision 2 created 12/23/2013 by ilaria.

  1. Not Synced
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  11. Not Synced
    Are you joking? You don't know the kind of diseases they carry, the cryptochroctosis, it's disgusting!..And the spergillosis?
  12. Beautiful, isn't it?
  13. Milan, the huge Milan
  14. You'll see Silvia, our lives are going to change!
  15. Who's that? Oh, It's Mario!
  16. Mario? Guess where we are!..What? Look, I cannot talk right now, I'll call you tonight, ok? Bye
  17. What's going on?
  18. Troubles at work?
  19. No..don't worry! Optimism, Silvia, optimism!
  20. Gross!
  21. Motherfu..
  22. Whatever.
  23. What do you mean you cannot do anything about it? It's 15 years I have been working there!
  24. Come on, you promised to me!
  25. You knew I cared about that!
  26. Well..whatever..ok, I understand, I get it.
  27. Let me tell you it is not fair, though.
  28. Well..ok, bye Mario! Bye
  29. SHOES!
  30. TV talking
  31. What?
  32. They refused to transfer me to Milan
  33. What?
  34. A..disabled person overtook me
  35. So, one needs to be handicapped to go and live in Milan now?
  36. No, but they have priority..it's fair, come on
  37. Yes, but wasn't your friend 'I-will-sort-everything-out' Mario going to help you in this?
  38. How long have I been telling you that Mario is 'chaparan'?
  39. Daddy! What does 'chaparan' mean?
  40. Well, it means he goes aftere rats..I mean, that he's good for nothing
  41. With everything you have done for him!
  42. It is not like that, it is not Mario's fault, it is not my fault, it is nobody's fault!
  43. Daddy, we are not going to Milan anymore, are we?
  44. Calm down! We are still going to go to the American school
  45. Your MOTHER is going to bring you there anyway, because if it was up to your father..
  46. and then you will go to university in Milan, you will become a lawyer, you'll get married, and then you'll buy a house, in Milan, in the center! In Piazza Duomo!
  47. ..or he can stay here and marry Pina
  48. Pina? And who's that?
  49. The daughter of the pizza man at 'Lo Scoglio'
  50. Look, Pina is not ugly at all!
  51. And do you know how much does the father have in the bank?
  52. It can be an eligible girl!
  53. Fish-fingers!
  54. Fish fingers again?
  55. How does Pina look?
  56. She looks like a monster, daddy
  57. Mario!
  58. Are you crazy?
  59. Has anybody seen you coming in?
  60. Have you talked to anybody?
  61. We work at the post office, not at the CIA
  62. Don't speak loud, I am risking a lot!
  63. What? What are you risking, I didn't even get the job!
  64. I have been working my ass off for 15 years in this company
  65. Don't scream like this or we are fucked!
  66. Mario. Please help me
  67. Silvia is not even talking to me anymore
  68. Listen, there is another available site in Milan, the present director will retire in a month time
  69. It is perfect!
  70. Shhhhh!!!!
  71. I must get that place!
  72. Don't speak loudly, fuck!
  73. Here we go
  74. Here we go what?
  75. Shh!
  76. Is that him?
  77. Is it the boss?
  78. Shut up!
  79. Yes?
  80. No, no I am not busy
  81. Ok, very well..shhh
  82. No, I was not ssshhhing you
  83. The boss wants to see me, get the hell out of here!
  84. ..And if we put on the application that I am handicapped?
  85. Are you crazy?!
  86. Why? What do I have to lose?
  87. If that comes out, I will be in trouble, but you'll be dead
  88. Whatever.
  89. I'm coming
  90. Thank you doctor..goodbye
  91. I am going to prepare a good soup with carrots and butter and a little bit of pork
  92. Guys! Excuse me! Couples on the other side, please.
  93. Take him down! Block him! Struck him!
  94. Stop! He's my husband!
  95. I got the transfer! To Milan!
  96. Are we going to Milan.?
  97. Yes!
  98. Really?
  99. Excuse me Director!
  100. Tell me
  101. There is an inspector who is looking for you
  102. An inspector? Which inspector?
  103. From the higher administration
  104. he says it is regarding your transfer
  105. Ehm..let him wait..five minutes
  106. To Milan!
  107. Shit!
  108. Shit, I had to try it first..
  109. Noooo! Nooo!
  110. Good morning
  111. Good morning
  112. I am Alberto Colombo
  113. did you want to see me?
  114. I just wanted to get some details with respect to your transfer
  115. Do you need help?
  116. Oh no, it's the kids, they always make jokes..they like to pierce the wheels
  117. Here we go. Have a sit, please
  118. What can I do for you?
  119. How long have you been disabled for?
  120. Well, it is not easy for me to talk about this, but
  121. I was very young
  122. And the memory is blurred
  123. Going with my mind through those memories is terrible
  124. A muscular spasm
  125. Ok, it is gone. Tell me
  126. Mr. Colombo, there have been two applications filed under your name
  127. A recent one, for a person with limited mobility
  128. .and another one dated three months ago, for a walking person
  129. Is it the same person Mr. Colombo?
  130. Yes, it was me who filed these applications
  131. The one I filed as a healthy person.
  132. I have done it.
  133. Because..I wanted my wanted my application to be..
  134. ..considered as equal as everybody else's
  135. It is important for us disabled
  136. to see in the eyes of people like you, normal people, something that goes beyond simple pity
  137. It is very honorable
  138. Thank you
  139. But if this will count against my transfer, I.
  140. No, no, it is only a general but necessary verification of your status
  141. you know, we often have to deal with fake applications
  142. of people who want to go to Milan
  143. Oh yeah?
  144. Yes, it happens often
  145. Shameful
  146. But this is not your case mr. Colombo
  147. you'll be just fine in Milan
  148. Thank you
  149. Well, I won't going to bother you more with this
  150. Oh, you are not bothering me at all
  151. Well, goodbye mr..
  152. Goodbye.
  153. Mario, please.
  154. We are friends.
  155. Friends? Friends?!
  156. I am not friend with an asshole who pretends to be handicapped
  157. I know, I did it for Silvia
  158. I shouln't have
  159. Sit down.
  160. I regret it Mario
  161. Sit down
  162. Alberto: I have a good news and a bad news
  163. I am suspended, am I not?
  164. Worse
  165. Fired?
  166. Worse still
  167. Worse than fired, what is it?
  168. Transferred
  169. to the South
  170. South like Bologna?
  171. Not Bologna, south south
  172. Don't tell me Rome, you know I dislike Rome
  173. No, don't worry, it is not Rome, it's much more South
  174. Sicily?!
  175. No, before Sicily there is Campania
  176. You have been transferred close to Naples
  177. Naples?
  178. But it is horrifying, Mario!
  179. You'll start this coming Monday
  180. What do you mean Monday? I have no light clothes, no place to sleep.
  181. Look, we offer accommodation for the director of the post office
  182. But where are you sending me exactly?
  183. Castellabbate
  184. Castellabbate?
  185. Well..what's the good news?
  186. I just told you
  187. And the bad one?
  188. You're gonna stay there for two years
  189. Two years?
  190. Minimum
  191. Two years in Naples? Mario.
  192. Look Alberto, either the South, or you get fired because of big responsabilities
  193. Two years in Naples? I will die
  194. Now! Go.go.I am sorry
  195. Mario you cannot do this to me
  196. Help me!
  197. Alberto, I don't know what else to do
  198. Mario!
  199. Mr. Director
  200. Good morning, come on in
  201. Hi Honey
  202. Hi love
  203. Hi Daddy!
  204. Hi Chicco! Are we eating yet?
  205. Yes, everything is ready!
  206. Look, what a shame, the beautiful house I had found next to my parents'
  207. My mom has written down all the names in the intercom and she wrote them down
  208. Esposito, Coppola, Wanga, Ahmed, Beretta, Gargiulo, and Capuozzo
  209. Now, apart from Beretta, they all look like names from the Equator
  210. so it's better than we let go and look for another place
  211. Don't worry
  212. They are not sending me to Milan anymore
  213. So, dinner?
  214. What?
  215. What does that mean, that another handicapped took us over?
  216. They found something much much better
  217. Ah, and where?
  218. To 'Chateu de la Bait'
  219. Where?
  220. Castellabbate
  221. A smiling city next to.
  222. ..Naples
  223. Extraordinary
  224. What did say?
  225. Extraordinary
  226. Before
  227. Smiling city
  228. After
  229. Next to Naples
  230. Naples?!
  231. In order to get the place in Milan
  232. I pretended to be disabled
  233. You pretended to be.?
  234. What an assh.
  235. I can't believe I married such a..
  236. Such a..
  237. Chicco!
  238. Asshole!
  239. You are going there alone!
  240. Put it in your head: you're going alone!
  241. Chicco! Pajamas! To bed! Let's go!
  242. What an asshole.
  243. Mommy, I am scared of Chateau le Bait
  244. Illustruous Academy of Gorgonzola
  245. I declare mr. Petazzoni
  246. Illustruous Academic of Gorgonzola D.O.C.
  247. Lower Italy is such a bad thing
  248. I know it because my mother, when I was young, she was getting fucked by a Teru'!
  249. By who?
  250. A redneck
  251. The problem over there is that they are all rednecks, men, women, children
  252. everybody is a redneck
  253. also the animals,cats are redneck, dogs are redneck, the cows, the chickens, the veals are all redneck
  254. and they only speak Teru'
  255. and you don't understand anything
  256. when you think you have understood something, you realize they are fooling around with you
  257. in front of you, they are all nice, and good, as they say, they are 'hospitable'
  258. but they are really all from Camorra
  259. Moreover, I suffered from the heat
  260. Is it hot?
  261. Winter so so, but during the summer the sun goes up up until 39, 40 degrees
  262. So you think inside it would be colder
  263. 50 degrees instead!
  264. Is it hotter inside than outside?
  265. Yes, because they have shitty house made out of shit over 30 years ago
  266. How is life over there?
  267. Well, it is hard, those who live good are with the Camorra
  268. they live good, but the rest is all poor
  269. As they say,'you see Naples and then you die'
  270. Yes, you die murdered, because either you get Cholera from the stuff they make you eat
  271. or some other disease from all the trash they have around
  272. It is disgusting
  273. Look, I'd have a solution for the South.
  274. ..just build parking lots! Parking lots and that's it. Well, enjoy your dinner
  275. I am not hungry anymore
  276. Temperature is higher than 95 degrees
  277. there is flu and meningites
  278. What kind of temperature is there?
  279. What?
  280. No!
  281. What?
  282. Nothing
  283. How hot can it be?
  284. There we go
  285. Good luck mister
  286. Thank you
  287. Behave
  288. Do what your mother says
  289. Daddy, this is for you
  290. What is it?
  291. It's a mouse trap
  292. so that mice are not going to eat your feet
  293. Sunscreen 50
  294. Put it above all on your.
  295. What are you doing? Are you crazy?
  296. Do you keep the watch on your wrist?
  297. Why not?
  298. Why not? They could chop your hand to take it
  299. I'm gonna take it off
  300. It is true
  301. Hey little one
  302. Come on
  303. Put a hat on your head anyway!
  304. It's in the bag
  305. Mommy, is dad coming back?
  306. Yes, soon, very soon
  307. This is Alberto Colombo, your new director
  308. I just left home
  309. It is 7.28 pm here
  310. what time is it over there?
  311. 7.28!
  312. Good
  313. I think I'll get there by dinner time
  314. Are you planning on walking to get here?
  315. Listen, when you arrive at Eboli, take the Litorale
  316. either way you're gonna get stuck on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway
  317. The Cup of Calabria?!
  318. Look, the line is very bad
  319. Anyway, I have the GPS, so don't worry
  320. I'll see you tonight, ok?
  321. I'll be waiting
  322. What?
  323. I said, I'll be waiting!
  324. The scorf?
  325. Listen,I'll call you when I get there
  326. Typical song from Milan
  327. Good morning, ID and license please
  328. Sorry, I was going too slow

Per Abilitarti al materiale online di Streaming/Download, clicca sull'immagine degli Imperatori qui sotto! Download/Streaming One Piece Film circa 5 ore fa.

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Contoh proposal pengajuan dana pembuatan kostum futsal pdf. New: enable viewer-created translations and captions on your YouTube channel!

English subtitles

← Benvenuti Al Sud 2010 Film Completo

  • 328 Lines

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1 Language

Showing Revision 2 created 12/23/2013 by ilaria.

  1. Not Synced
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  11. Not Synced
    Are you joking? You don't know the kind of diseases they carry, the cryptochroctosis, it's disgusting!..And the spergillosis?
  12. Beautiful, isn't it?
  13. Milan, the huge Milan
  14. You'll see Silvia, our lives are going to change!
  15. Who's that? Oh, It's Mario!
  16. Mario? Guess where we are!..What? Look, I cannot talk right now, I'll call you tonight, ok? Bye
  17. What's going on?
  18. Troubles at work?
  19. No..don't worry! Optimism, Silvia, optimism!
  20. Gross!
  21. Motherfu..
  22. Whatever.
  23. What do you mean you cannot do anything about it? It's 15 years I have been working there!
  24. Come on, you promised to me!
  25. You knew I cared about that!
  26. Well..whatever..ok, I understand, I get it.
  27. Let me tell you it is not fair, though.
  28. Well..ok, bye Mario! Bye
  29. SHOES!
  30. TV talking
  31. What?
  32. They refused to transfer me to Milan
  33. What?
  34. A..disabled person overtook me
  35. So, one needs to be handicapped to go and live in Milan now?
  36. No, but they have priority..it's fair, come on
  37. Yes, but wasn't your friend 'I-will-sort-everything-out' Mario going to help you in this?
  38. How long have I been telling you that Mario is 'chaparan'?
  39. Daddy! What does 'chaparan' mean?
  40. Well, it means he goes aftere rats..I mean, that he's good for nothing
  41. With everything you have done for him!
  42. It is not like that, it is not Mario's fault, it is not my fault, it is nobody's fault!
  43. Daddy, we are not going to Milan anymore, are we?
  44. Calm down! We are still going to go to the American school
  45. Your MOTHER is going to bring you there anyway, because if it was up to your father..
  46. and then you will go to university in Milan, you will become a lawyer, you'll get married, and then you'll buy a house, in Milan, in the center! In Piazza Duomo!
  47. ..or he can stay here and marry Pina
  48. Pina? And who's that?
  49. The daughter of the pizza man at 'Lo Scoglio'
  50. Look, Pina is not ugly at all!
  51. And do you know how much does the father have in the bank?
  52. It can be an eligible girl!
  53. Fish-fingers!
  54. Fish fingers again?
  55. How does Pina look?
  56. She looks like a monster, daddy
  57. Mario!
  58. Are you crazy?
  59. Has anybody seen you coming in?
  60. Have you talked to anybody?
  61. We work at the post office, not at the CIA
  62. Don't speak loud, I am risking a lot!
  63. What? What are you risking, I didn't even get the job!
  64. I have been working my ass off for 15 years in this company
  65. Don't scream like this or we are fucked!
  66. Mario. Please help me
  67. Silvia is not even talking to me anymore
  68. Listen, there is another available site in Milan, the present director will retire in a month time
  69. It is perfect!
  70. Shhhhh!!!!
  71. I must get that place!
  72. Don't speak loudly, fuck!
  73. Here we go
  74. Here we go what?
  75. Shh!
  76. Is that him?
  77. Is it the boss?
  78. Shut up!
  79. Yes?
  80. No, no I am not busy
  81. Ok, very well..shhh
  82. No, I was not ssshhhing you
  83. The boss wants to see me, get the hell out of here!
  84. ..And if we put on the application that I am handicapped?
  85. Are you crazy?!
  86. Why? What do I have to lose?
  87. If that comes out, I will be in trouble, but you'll be dead
  88. Whatever.
  89. I'm coming
  90. Thank you doctor..goodbye
  91. I am going to prepare a good soup with carrots and butter and a little bit of pork
  92. Guys! Excuse me! Couples on the other side, please.
  93. Take him down! Block him! Struck him!
  94. Stop! He's my husband!
  95. I got the transfer! To Milan!
  96. Are we going to Milan.?
  97. Yes!
  98. Really?
  99. Excuse me Director!
  100. Tell me
  101. There is an inspector who is looking for you
  102. An inspector? Which inspector?
  103. From the higher administration
  104. he says it is regarding your transfer
  105. Ehm..let him wait..five minutes
  106. To Milan!
  107. Shit!
  108. Shit, I had to try it first..
  109. Noooo! Nooo!
  110. Good morning
  111. Good morning
  112. I am Alberto Colombo
  113. did you want to see me?
  114. I just wanted to get some details with respect to your transfer
  115. Do you need help?
  116. Oh no, it's the kids, they always make jokes..they like to pierce the wheels
  117. Here we go. Have a sit, please
  118. What can I do for you?
  119. How long have you been disabled for?
  120. Well, it is not easy for me to talk about this, but
  121. I was very young
  122. And the memory is blurred
  123. Going with my mind through those memories is terrible
  124. A muscular spasm
  125. Ok, it is gone. Tell me
  126. Mr. Colombo, there have been two applications filed under your name
  127. A recent one, for a person with limited mobility
  128. .and another one dated three months ago, for a walking person
  129. Is it the same person Mr. Colombo?
  130. Yes, it was me who filed these applications
  131. The one I filed as a healthy person.
  132. I have done it.
  133. Because..I wanted my wanted my application to be..
  134. ..considered as equal as everybody else's
  135. It is important for us disabled
  136. to see in the eyes of people like you, normal people, something that goes beyond simple pity
  137. It is very honorable
  138. Thank you
  139. But if this will count against my transfer, I.
  140. No, no, it is only a general but necessary verification of your status
  141. you know, we often have to deal with fake applications
  142. of people who want to go to Milan
  143. Oh yeah?
  144. Yes, it happens often
  145. Shameful
  146. But this is not your case mr. Colombo
  147. you'll be just fine in Milan
  148. Thank you
  149. Well, I won't going to bother you more with this
  150. Oh, you are not bothering me at all
  151. Well, goodbye mr..
  152. Goodbye.
  153. Mario, please.
  154. We are friends.
  155. Friends? Friends?!
  156. I am not friend with an asshole who pretends to be handicapped
  157. I know, I did it for Silvia
  158. I shouln't have
  159. Sit down.
  160. I regret it Mario
  161. Sit down
  162. Alberto: I have a good news and a bad news
  163. I am suspended, am I not?
  164. Worse
  165. Fired?
  166. Worse still
  167. Worse than fired, what is it?
  168. Transferred
  169. to the South
  170. South like Bologna?
  171. Not Bologna, south south
  172. Don't tell me Rome, you know I dislike Rome
  173. No, don't worry, it is not Rome, it's much more South
  174. Sicily?!
  175. No, before Sicily there is Campania
  176. You have been transferred close to Naples
  177. Naples?
  178. But it is horrifying, Mario!
  179. You'll start this coming Monday
  180. What do you mean Monday? I have no light clothes, no place to sleep.
  181. Look, we offer accommodation for the director of the post office
  182. But where are you sending me exactly?
  183. Castellabbate
  184. Castellabbate?
  185. Well..what's the good news?
  186. I just told you
  187. And the bad one?
  188. You're gonna stay there for two years
  189. Two years?
  190. Minimum
  191. Two years in Naples? Mario.
  192. Look Alberto, either the South, or you get fired because of big responsabilities
  193. Two years in Naples? I will die
  194. Now! Go.go.I am sorry
  195. Mario you cannot do this to me
  196. Help me!
  197. Alberto, I don't know what else to do
  198. Mario!
  199. Mr. Director
  200. Good morning, come on in
  201. Hi Honey
  202. Hi love
  203. Hi Daddy!
  204. Hi Chicco! Are we eating yet?
  205. Yes, everything is ready!
  206. Look, what a shame, the beautiful house I had found next to my parents'
  207. My mom has written down all the names in the intercom and she wrote them down
  208. Esposito, Coppola, Wanga, Ahmed, Beretta, Gargiulo, and Capuozzo
  209. Now, apart from Beretta, they all look like names from the Equator
  210. so it's better than we let go and look for another place
  211. Don't worry
  212. They are not sending me to Milan anymore
  213. So, dinner?
  214. What?
  215. What does that mean, that another handicapped took us over?
  216. They found something much much better
  217. Ah, and where?
  218. To 'Chateu de la Bait'
  219. Where?
  220. Castellabbate
  221. A smiling city next to.
  222. ..Naples
  223. Extraordinary
  224. What did say?
  225. Extraordinary
  226. Before
  227. Smiling city
  228. After
  229. Next to Naples
  230. Naples?!
  231. In order to get the place in Milan
  232. I pretended to be disabled
  233. You pretended to be.?
  234. What an assh.
  235. I can't believe I married such a..
  236. Such a..
  237. Chicco!
  238. Asshole!
  239. You are going there alone!
  240. Put it in your head: you're going alone!
  241. Chicco! Pajamas! To bed! Let's go!
  242. What an asshole.
  243. Mommy, I am scared of Chateau le Bait
  244. Illustruous Academy of Gorgonzola
  245. I declare mr. Petazzoni
  246. Illustruous Academic of Gorgonzola D.O.C.
  247. Lower Italy is such a bad thing
  248. I know it because my mother, when I was young, she was getting fucked by a Teru'!
  249. By who?
  250. A redneck
  251. The problem over there is that they are all rednecks, men, women, children
  252. everybody is a redneck
  253. also the animals,cats are redneck, dogs are redneck, the cows, the chickens, the veals are all redneck
  254. and they only speak Teru'
  255. and you don't understand anything
  256. when you think you have understood something, you realize they are fooling around with you
  257. in front of you, they are all nice, and good, as they say, they are 'hospitable'
  258. but they are really all from Camorra
  259. Moreover, I suffered from the heat
  260. Is it hot?
  261. Winter so so, but during the summer the sun goes up up until 39, 40 degrees
  262. So you think inside it would be colder
  263. 50 degrees instead!
  264. Is it hotter inside than outside?
  265. Yes, because they have shitty house made out of shit over 30 years ago
  266. How is life over there?
  267. Well, it is hard, those who live good are with the Camorra
  268. they live good, but the rest is all poor
  269. As they say,'you see Naples and then you die'
  270. Yes, you die murdered, because either you get Cholera from the stuff they make you eat
  271. or some other disease from all the trash they have around
  272. It is disgusting
  273. Look, I'd have a solution for the South.
  274. ..just build parking lots! Parking lots and that's it. Well, enjoy your dinner
  275. I am not hungry anymore
  276. Temperature is higher than 95 degrees
  277. there is flu and meningites
  278. What kind of temperature is there?
  279. What?
  280. No!
  281. What?
  282. Nothing
  283. How hot can it be?
  284. There we go
  285. Good luck mister
  286. Thank you
  287. Behave
  288. Do what your mother says
  289. Daddy, this is for you
  290. What is it?
  291. It's a mouse trap
  292. so that mice are not going to eat your feet
  293. Sunscreen 50
  294. Put it above all on your.
  295. What are you doing? Are you crazy?
  296. Do you keep the watch on your wrist?
  297. Why not?
  298. Why not? They could chop your hand to take it
  299. I'm gonna take it off
  300. It is true
  301. Hey little one
  302. Come on
  303. Put a hat on your head anyway!
  304. It's in the bag
  305. Mommy, is dad coming back?
  306. Yes, soon, very soon
  307. This is Alberto Colombo, your new director
  308. I just left home
  309. It is 7.28 pm here
  310. what time is it over there?
  311. 7.28!
  312. Good
  313. I think I'll get there by dinner time
  314. Are you planning on walking to get here?
  315. Listen, when you arrive at Eboli, take the Litorale
  316. either way you're gonna get stuck on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway
  317. The Cup of Calabria?!
  318. Look, the line is very bad
  319. Anyway, I have the GPS, so don't worry
  320. I'll see you tonight, ok?
  321. I'll be waiting
  322. What?
  323. I said, I'll be waiting!
  324. The scorf?
  325. Listen,I'll call you when I get there
  326. Typical song from Milan
  327. Good morning, ID and license please
  328. Sorry, I was going too slow

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← Benvenuti Al Sud 2010 Film Completo

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Showing Revision 2 created 12/23/2013 by ilaria.

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    Are you joking? You don't know the kind of diseases they carry, the cryptochroctosis, it's disgusting!..And the spergillosis?
  12. Beautiful, isn't it?
  13. Milan, the huge Milan
  14. You'll see Silvia, our lives are going to change!
  15. Who's that? Oh, It's Mario!
  16. Mario? Guess where we are!..What? Look, I cannot talk right now, I'll call you tonight, ok? Bye
  17. What's going on?
  18. Troubles at work?
  19. No..don't worry! Optimism, Silvia, optimism!
  20. Gross!
  21. Motherfu..
  22. Whatever.
  23. What do you mean you cannot do anything about it? It's 15 years I have been working there!
  24. Come on, you promised to me!
  25. You knew I cared about that!
  26. Well..whatever..ok, I understand, I get it.
  27. Let me tell you it is not fair, though.
  28. Well..ok, bye Mario! Bye
  29. SHOES!
  30. TV talking
  31. What?
  32. They refused to transfer me to Milan
  33. What?
  34. A..disabled person overtook me
  35. So, one needs to be handicapped to go and live in Milan now?
  36. No, but they have priority..it's fair, come on
  37. Yes, but wasn't your friend 'I-will-sort-everything-out' Mario going to help you in this?
  38. How long have I been telling you that Mario is 'chaparan'?
  39. Daddy! What does 'chaparan' mean?
  40. Well, it means he goes aftere rats..I mean, that he's good for nothing
  41. With everything you have done for him!
  42. It is not like that, it is not Mario's fault, it is not my fault, it is nobody's fault!
  43. Daddy, we are not going to Milan anymore, are we?
  44. Calm down! We are still going to go to the American school
  45. Your MOTHER is going to bring you there anyway, because if it was up to your father..
  46. and then you will go to university in Milan, you will become a lawyer, you'll get married, and then you'll buy a house, in Milan, in the center! In Piazza Duomo!
  47. ..or he can stay here and marry Pina
  48. Pina? And who's that?
  49. The daughter of the pizza man at 'Lo Scoglio'
  50. Look, Pina is not ugly at all!
  51. And do you know how much does the father have in the bank?
  52. It can be an eligible girl!
  53. Fish-fingers!
  54. Fish fingers again?
  55. How does Pina look?
  56. She looks like a monster, daddy
  57. Mario!
  58. Are you crazy?
  59. Has anybody seen you coming in?
  60. Have you talked to anybody?
  61. We work at the post office, not at the CIA
  62. Don't speak loud, I am risking a lot!
  63. What? What are you risking, I didn't even get the job!
  64. I have been working my ass off for 15 years in this company
  65. Don't scream like this or we are fucked!
  66. Mario. Please help me
  67. Silvia is not even talking to me anymore
  68. Listen, there is another available site in Milan, the present director will retire in a month time
  69. It is perfect!
  70. Shhhhh!!!!
  71. I must get that place!
  72. Don't speak loudly, fuck!
  73. Here we go
  74. Here we go what?
  75. Shh!
  76. Is that him?
  77. Is it the boss?
  78. Shut up!
  79. Yes?
  80. No, no I am not busy
  81. Ok, very well..shhh
  82. No, I was not ssshhhing you
  83. The boss wants to see me, get the hell out of here!
  84. ..And if we put on the application that I am handicapped?
  85. Are you crazy?!
  86. Why? What do I have to lose?
  87. If that comes out, I will be in trouble, but you'll be dead
  88. Whatever.
  89. I'm coming
  90. Thank you doctor..goodbye
  91. I am going to prepare a good soup with carrots and butter and a little bit of pork
  92. Guys! Excuse me! Couples on the other side, please.
  93. Take him down! Block him! Struck him!
  94. Stop! He's my husband!
  95. I got the transfer! To Milan!
  96. Are we going to Milan.?
  97. Yes!
  98. Really?
  99. Excuse me Director!
  100. Tell me
  101. There is an inspector who is looking for you
  102. An inspector? Which inspector?
  103. From the higher administration
  104. he says it is regarding your transfer
  105. Ehm..let him wait..five minutes
  106. To Milan!
  107. Shit!
  108. Shit, I had to try it first..
  109. Noooo! Nooo!
  110. Good morning
  111. Good morning
  112. I am Alberto Colombo
  113. did you want to see me?
  114. I just wanted to get some details with respect to your transfer
  115. Do you need help?
  116. Oh no, it's the kids, they always make jokes..they like to pierce the wheels
  117. Here we go. Have a sit, please
  118. What can I do for you?
  119. How long have you been disabled for?
  120. Well, it is not easy for me to talk about this, but
  121. I was very young
  122. And the memory is blurred
  123. Going with my mind through those memories is terrible
  124. A muscular spasm
  125. Ok, it is gone. Tell me
  126. Mr. Colombo, there have been two applications filed under your name
  127. A recent one, for a person with limited mobility
  128. .and another one dated three months ago, for a walking person
  129. Is it the same person Mr. Colombo?
  130. Yes, it was me who filed these applications
  131. The one I filed as a healthy person.
  132. I have done it.
  133. Because..I wanted my wanted my application to be..
  134. ..considered as equal as everybody else's
  135. It is important for us disabled
  136. to see in the eyes of people like you, normal people, something that goes beyond simple pity
  137. It is very honorable
  138. Thank you
  139. But if this will count against my transfer, I.
  140. No, no, it is only a general but necessary verification of your status
  141. you know, we often have to deal with fake applications
  142. of people who want to go to Milan
  143. Oh yeah?
  144. Yes, it happens often
  145. Shameful
  146. But this is not your case mr. Colombo
  147. you'll be just fine in Milan
  148. Thank you
  149. Well, I won't going to bother you more with this
  150. Oh, you are not bothering me at all
  151. Well, goodbye mr..
  152. Goodbye.
  153. Mario, please.
  154. We are friends.
  155. Friends? Friends?!
  156. I am not friend with an asshole who pretends to be handicapped
  157. I know, I did it for Silvia
  158. I shouln't have
  159. Sit down.
  160. I regret it Mario
  161. Sit down
  162. Alberto: I have a good news and a bad news
  163. I am suspended, am I not?
  164. Worse
  165. Fired?
  166. Worse still
  167. Worse than fired, what is it?
  168. Transferred
  169. to the South
  170. South like Bologna?
  171. Not Bologna, south south
  172. Don't tell me Rome, you know I dislike Rome
  173. No, don't worry, it is not Rome, it's much more South
  174. Sicily?!
  175. No, before Sicily there is Campania
  176. You have been transferred close to Naples
  177. Naples?
  178. But it is horrifying, Mario!
  179. You'll start this coming Monday
  180. What do you mean Monday? I have no light clothes, no place to sleep.
  181. Look, we offer accommodation for the director of the post office
  182. But where are you sending me exactly?
  183. Castellabbate
  184. Castellabbate?
  185. Well..what's the good news?
  186. I just told you
  187. And the bad one?
  188. You're gonna stay there for two years
  189. Two years?
  190. Minimum
  191. Two years in Naples? Mario.
  192. Look Alberto, either the South, or you get fired because of big responsabilities
  193. Two years in Naples? I will die
  194. Now! Go.go.I am sorry
  195. Mario you cannot do this to me
  196. Help me!
  197. Alberto, I don't know what else to do
  198. Mario!
  199. Mr. Director
  200. Good morning, come on in
  201. Hi Honey
  202. Hi love
  203. Hi Daddy!
  204. Hi Chicco! Are we eating yet?
  205. Yes, everything is ready!
  206. Look, what a shame, the beautiful house I had found next to my parents'
  207. My mom has written down all the names in the intercom and she wrote them down
  208. Esposito, Coppola, Wanga, Ahmed, Beretta, Gargiulo, and Capuozzo
  209. Now, apart from Beretta, they all look like names from the Equator
  210. so it's better than we let go and look for another place
  211. Don't worry
  212. They are not sending me to Milan anymore
  213. So, dinner?
  214. What?
  215. What does that mean, that another handicapped took us over?
  216. They found something much much better
  217. Ah, and where?
  218. To 'Chateu de la Bait'
  219. Where?
  220. Castellabbate
  221. A smiling city next to.
  222. ..Naples
  223. Extraordinary
  224. What did say?
  225. Extraordinary
  226. Before
  227. Smiling city
  228. After
  229. Next to Naples
  230. Naples?!
  231. In order to get the place in Milan
  232. I pretended to be disabled
  233. You pretended to be.?
  234. What an assh.
  235. I can't believe I married such a..
  236. Such a..
  237. Chicco!
  238. Asshole!
  239. You are going there alone!
  240. Put it in your head: you're going alone!
  241. Chicco! Pajamas! To bed! Let's go!
  242. What an asshole.
  243. Mommy, I am scared of Chateau le Bait
  244. Illustruous Academy of Gorgonzola
  245. I declare mr. Petazzoni
  246. Illustruous Academic of Gorgonzola D.O.C.
  247. Lower Italy is such a bad thing
  248. I know it because my mother, when I was young, she was getting fucked by a Teru'!
  249. By who?
  250. A redneck
  251. The problem over there is that they are all rednecks, men, women, children
  252. everybody is a redneck
  253. also the animals,cats are redneck, dogs are redneck, the cows, the chickens, the veals are all redneck
  254. and they only speak Teru'
  255. and you don't understand anything
  256. when you think you have understood something, you realize they are fooling around with you
  257. in front of you, they are all nice, and good, as they say, they are 'hospitable'
  258. but they are really all from Camorra
  259. Moreover, I suffered from the heat
  260. Is it hot?
  261. Winter so so, but during the summer the sun goes up up until 39, 40 degrees
  262. So you think inside it would be colder
  263. 50 degrees instead!
  264. Is it hotter inside than outside?
  265. Yes, because they have shitty house made out of shit over 30 years ago
  266. How is life over there?
  267. Well, it is hard, those who live good are with the Camorra
  268. they live good, but the rest is all poor
  269. As they say,'you see Naples and then you die'
  270. Yes, you die murdered, because either you get Cholera from the stuff they make you eat
  271. or some other disease from all the trash they have around
  272. It is disgusting
  273. Look, I'd have a solution for the South.
  274. ..just build parking lots! Parking lots and that's it. Well, enjoy your dinner
  275. I am not hungry anymore
  276. Temperature is higher than 95 degrees
  277. there is flu and meningites
  278. What kind of temperature is there?
  279. What?
  280. No!
  281. What?
  282. Nothing
  283. How hot can it be?
  284. There we go
  285. Good luck mister
  286. Thank you
  287. Behave
  288. Do what your mother says
  289. Daddy, this is for you
  290. What is it?
  291. It's a mouse trap
  292. so that mice are not going to eat your feet
  293. Sunscreen 50
  294. Put it above all on your.
  295. What are you doing? Are you crazy?
  296. Do you keep the watch on your wrist?
  297. Why not?
  298. Why not? They could chop your hand to take it
  299. I'm gonna take it off
  300. It is true
  301. Hey little one
  302. Come on
  303. Put a hat on your head anyway!
  304. It's in the bag
  305. Mommy, is dad coming back?
  306. Yes, soon, very soon
  307. This is Alberto Colombo, your new director
  308. I just left home
  309. It is 7.28 pm here
  310. what time is it over there?
  311. 7.28!
  312. Good
  313. I think I'll get there by dinner time
  314. Are you planning on walking to get here?
  315. Listen, when you arrive at Eboli, take the Litorale
  316. either way you're gonna get stuck on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway
  317. The Cup of Calabria?!
  318. Look, the line is very bad
  319. Anyway, I have the GPS, so don't worry
  320. I'll see you tonight, ok?
  321. I'll be waiting
  322. What?
  323. I said, I'll be waiting!
  324. The scorf?
  325. Listen,I'll call you when I get there
  326. Typical song from Milan
  327. Good morning, ID and license please
  328. Sorry, I was going too slow