
Image gemini pour un dreambox 500s clone Bonjour, je viens de recevoir mon dreambox 500s clone chinois et j'aurais voulus avoir un liens pour l'i mag e gemini. Vu+ solo2 + divers images Vu+ solo pro + openpli 4.0 + cccam 2.3.0 Dm 500s + Gemini 4.70 + cccam 2.1.4 + carte locale Sky uk full HD.

Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of CCcam on the Dreambox decoder under a GEMINI image.

For this tutorial you need.

DM920, DM920, DM7080, DM820, DM520, DM525



CCCAM 2.3.1 for GEMINI (Dreambox 920, Dreambox 900)

CCCAM 2.3.2 for GEMINI (Dreambox 7080, Dreambox 820, Dreambox 525, Dreambox 520)

To get the latest CCCAM version please visit our SOFTCAMpage

CCCAM subscription

If you do not have a CCcam subscription you can order it here

– Launch WINSCP in the home window

File protocol: FTP

Hot name: (ip address of your VU+ )

User name: root


After clicking on Login

Copy ipk file to /tmp oo your receiver

1- Installing the CCCAM

Press MENU Button shoose Setup

Choose Software management

Select Install local extension

select Internal Flash

select Install extensions

Select DEB file with OK and press Green Button to install file

Installation will take some seconds.

2. Copy of the CCCam subscription

Copy subscription files from your PC to the /etc path of your receiver.




3. Starting Ncam

Press Blue Button shoose CI-Softcam

Choose CCCAM, next press Green Button to start save

Dreambox Dm500s Gemini Image In Love

Please wait while starting Ncam

Registration on the forum required for downloads *

New OE 2.0 Image´s

Original based Images


dvb-modules_3.2 -r 7.0 -16/06/2014

dvb-modules_3.2-dm500hdv2-r7.0 - 16/06/2014

*Registration on the forum required for downloads


Dreambox-secondstage 84-r12.0 (ipk)

Dreambox-secondstage 84 (nfi)

Dreambox-secondstage 88-r12.0 dm500hdv2(ipk)

*Registration on the forum required for downloads


You can use the Gemini plug-in for cam use with the Opendreambox

Opendreambox 2.0 HdOE(2.0)

V2 is for new Dreambox 500Hdv2

Opendreambox 2.0 Hdv2OE(2.0)

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads


Newnigma2-Index of /daily /images

Manual de fotografia digital tom angelo

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads


End-of-Life models

Firmware for these devices is no longer being built

for your convenience we have kept the last build online.

17-02-2017Psp emulator ios.

Merlin 3 - 500Hd -OE(2.0)

V2 is for new Dreambox 500Hdv2

Merlin 3 - 500Hdv2-OE(2.0)

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads

Open Pli

Open PLi®

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads

Pur E2


PurE2-6.2 500Hd


PurE2-6.3 500Hdv2

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads



Dreamelite 4.1 - 500Hd - ImageOE(2.0)

V2 is for new Dreambox 500Hdv2

Dreamelite 4.1 - 500Hdv2 - ImageOE(2.0)

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads


End-of-Life models

Firmware for these devices is no longer being built

for your convenience we have kept the last build online.


D.M.S - v5.8 OE(2.0)

V2 is for new Dreambox 500Hdv2

D.M.S-Image 500Hdv2-v6.2OE(2.0)

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads

Open ESI


Openesi-6.0 - dm500hdOE(2.0)

V2 is for new Dreambox 500Hdv2

Openesi-6.0 - dm500hdv2 - OE(2.0)

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads

Open ATV


Open ATV- 6.2 - 500HdOE(2.0)

V2 is for new Dreambox 500Hdv2

Open ATV- 6.2 - 500Hdv2 - OE(2.0)

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads


Satdreamgr Dm500Hd v4.0 gst1-O.E. 2.0

V2 is for new Dreambox 7020Hdv2

Satdreamgr Dm500Hdv2 v4.0 gst1-O.E. 2.0

All Images on the forum

*Registration on the forum required for downloads

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